The Lowe & Oliver Blog

What Actions Can Your Company Take To Reduce Their Carbon Footprint?

Posted by Paul Tuson on August 9th , 2021

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With governments worldwide putting their efforts into ways of reducing global warming, it’s well worth considering reducing your own business’s carbon footprint. Using today’s technology, there are a number of options available which can help to reduce your CO2 emissions. Not only that, but a couple of upgrades, although involving some initial capital, can lower your utility costs and return your investment many times over.

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Upgrade To LED Lighting

If you are still using old incandescent, halogen, or fluorescent lighting in your workplace, now is the time to move forward with that LED lighting upgrade. Sales of light emitting diodes (LEDs), are expected to top £25-million by the end of this year, and the majority of that has been used in the upgrading of commercial premises.

At Lowe & Oliver, we are regularly engaged to survey existing commercial lighting installations with a view to converting to an LED system. Energy savings can be substantial, from 50% to a massive 80%. Reduced maintenance costs due to longer lamp life, and the use of motion to provide illumination as and when required both contribute to a much more cost-effective lighting solution. If you would like more information on how converting to LED lighting can help reduce your energy bills and shrink your carbon footprint, please download our free guide: Why Upgrade to LED Lighting.

Boiler Upgrades

Did you know that it has been estimated commercial properties produce up to 10% of the UK’s greenhouse gases? Much of that can be attributed to a lack of effective maintenance and inefficient, antiquated atmospheric boilers, with as much as 40% of the energy used going straight out the window. If your boiler is as old as the building, or you are plagued with boiler breakdowns, it’s probably a good idea to invest in one of the latest energy-saving models.

At Lowe & Oliver, we offer a range of the latest energy-saving boilers. If you have decided on a major refurbishment, we can also survey your heating system, suggest the use of room or radiator thermostats and improve the building’s insulation. Replacing or upgrading old and antiquated boilers and lighting systems shouldn’t be looked on as an additional expense, but as an investment in the future of your business by way of long-term reduced energy and maintenance costs.


More Information

If you would like more information on how we can help reduce your business energy costs and carbon footprint, please get in touch with one of our advisers. Email or call one of our local offices: Oxford 01865 322200, or Southampton 02380 614700.

Why Upgrade To LED Lighting

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